Training the Next Generation of Healthcare Providers in Lifestyle Medicine[Podcast Series]

  • [:54] Dr. Bantham introduces her guest, Dr. Cate Collings

    • Dr. Cate Collings is a cardiologist and executive health coach. 

    • She is past president of the American College of Lifestyle Medicine.

  • [1:10] Integrating healthcare and health & fitness in career trajectory

    • “We're, we’re habituated to thinking that drugs and procedures are medical care and that exercise and nutrition interventions are not real medicine. And I think that's…that tension is still there. I think it will be there. It's, it's really a paradigm shift for people.”

  • [6:57] Lifestyle medicine education models

    • “Once this education piece gets done, you can't put that genie back, that knowledge back in the bottle.  Once a medical student or a resident has seen the life changing effects of using exercise and a dose intervention, using nutrition, they just can't not see it anymore.” 

  • [13:03] The quintuple aim for healthcare systems

    • “And I'm not sure if our audience is aware of that, and you're aware of what goes into that quintuple aim, but that is the goal of so many healthcare organizations, and that's to improve patient outcomes. You know, amongst wealthy countries, we have some of the worst health outcomes. The second part of the quintuple aim is to lower costs, and again, amongst wealthy countries, we have the highest cost for the poorest health outcomes.”

  • [17:06] Lifestyle medicine as a first line treatment

    • “That's what we're hoping with this education of medical students and young physicians, like we said, you just can't unlearn that. And you're going to go deep on that as a first clinical intervention.”

  • [20:05] Shared medical appointments for delivering lifestyle medicine

    • “And just to, just to, again, educate the audience a little bit on one of the most effective models for the delivery of lifestyle, education and behavior changes, shared medical appointment model, and that uses all the team members of the interdisciplinary team.”

  • [24:05] Reimbursement for referrals

    • “So then we have to get reimbursement for referrals, not just to physical therapists, but to exercise physiologists, for, with a diagnosis of hypertension, for exercise treatment, you know, again, as as a, and to be able to bring them into the healthcare team on site.”

  • [28:23] Representing lifestyle medicine to the American Medical Association

    • “And so being able to bring our people to the table of those committees and things is really valuable for the whole field, because now they can speak to the importance of this and the reason and the fact that we may need to change our relative value units that we give to, say, surgical interventions. Maybe those don't need to be valued as much as does an exercise intervention or another lifestyle intervention.”


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