Moving Toward Happiness - Move Happy®[Podcast Series]

  • [:54] Dr. Bantham introduces her guest, Erin Nicole

    • Erin Nicole is the CEO and Founder of Move Happy® and host of the Move Happy® Movement podcast.

  • [1:07]  Helping patients improve their fitness and happiness

    • “I didn't know if it would work or not, I didn't know if it would help my patients be happier and improve their fitness or not. I believed in my capacity as a fitness educator and seeing previous experiences of people's fitness levels being improved.”

  • [4:57]  Quantifying program success

    • “So I designed a one page questionnaire for their happiness, self-perceived, we did include some Likert style questions, which is like a one to five scale, one to 10. And, and then included some open ended questions to get some quality based feedback from the patients. And asked them.  How do you feel this program went?  We did a pre, mid, and post for all three rounds of the program. And I started implementing their feedback from those that felt safe enough to actually share feedback.”

  • [10:09]  Naming Move Happy® 

    • “What's an inclusive word? Because my goal.  I said, Go back to your goal. Well, my goal was to get the patients interested in moving because I knew how beneficial movement and exercise is to my own mental health, to my own healing with losing my dad and just struggling with my own personal issues with depression....” 

  • [15:09] Adapting programs for different settings and populations

    • “My background is in exercise and sport psychology, I know what motivates and helps to actually make someone believe that they can replicate a movement. The best form would be live version, of course. Second best would be video, but we didn't have a bunch of computers or TV screens to hit play for them to see during our station day. So I used picture.”

  • [19:56]  Mental health in the workplace

    • “Businesses are starting to realize that they should care about their employees, but we've got a lot of work to do.  A lot of growth in that area, a lot of professionals needing to take responsibility for their teams. If your employee works a third of their life for your organization or work, then a lot of their time is spent there. So you should care about their mental health, their mental well being....”

  • [22:00] Chief Happiness Officers

    • “If businesses could have Chief Happiness Officers or Chief Heart Officer—I've heard it termed as well—I think that that would be beneficial, but a title without implementation isn't going to do anybody any good.”

  • [25:28] Creating brand ambassadors

    • “If you focus as an organization on your employees or interns—whoever works for you and adds value to your brand, whether it's sales, marketing, operations, finance, whatever departments are working for you. If you focus on making sure that they're set up for success, that you leave an open door policy so that your company feels that they can come talk to you as leaders at any point, they're going to cover your customers.  They're going to take care of your organization because they will feel valued. And they will then become ambassadors for your brand, which is essentially free marketing.”

  • [27:00] Moving toward happiness

    • “Get yourself In a place of gratitude, no matter how small it can be, whether you're running a company or you're working for a company. Take responsibility for what you can, you will never know how big opportunities come your way, or how many opportunities can come through focusing on what you can control, which is being grateful, which is showing others by example that you can focus on things that are positive and going on, you know, happy in your life, and adding value.”


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