Motivating Communities to Move - Walk with a Doc [Podcast Series]

  • [:54] Dr. Bantham introduces her guest, Dr. David Sabgir

    • Dr. David Sabgir is a cardiologist and the CEO and Founder of Walk with a Doc.

  • [1:09]  Inspiration for Walk with a Doc

    • “I started my residency and did my fellowship from 97-03 and during that time, realized how critical physical activity was. And we hear it described as the miracle drug. And I feel like every day that's hammered home more and more. So that had to be really at the forefront of our discussions.”

    • “And I thought I was doing actually a really good job until, you know, I stepped back and looked and realized that I was doing actually a very, very inadequate job. I wasn't getting my patients to be active or pursue it despite what they said in the office. So one day I really wanted this person to have to say no to my face.”

  • [3:13]  Naming Walk with a Doc 

    • “I was meeting with a TV anchor in the first few weeks, very well respected in Columbus, Ohio, and she, like I'll never forget, I was walking out the door and she said, David go with Walk with a Doc that's a better name. It keeps the medical in it.” 

  • [6:15]  Support for Walk with a Doc

    • “It's grown. It's been a beautiful, organic, viral, grassroots thing.”

  • [6:28]  Reach of Walk with a Doc

    • “There's about 9 million doctors in the world and then obviously, so many more healthcare providers than that... nurse practitioners, nurses, etc. So we had 10,000 last year, ballpark, lead events, so that's less than 0.1%. So thanks to CDC, WHO, CNN, some others, that huge net is pulling in a very small percentage, but it's a small percentage of a big number.”

  • [9:01]  Physicians as trusted providers

    • “I think when our participants and the people that come out to the walk, when they read about it in their paper, maybe the doc is, maybe they're interested in, you know, learning from the doctor, or sharing. And that's really great. But I really think the secret ingredient is...are the other walkers that are there. And it's that camaraderie, that social connectedness that you've spoken so well about in your previous podcast that really is the, those are the ties that bind.”

  • [10:49] Physicians walking the walk and investing the time

    • “So you may put in an hour a week, an hour a month, an hour a year, but you get, I think about tenfold back of what you put into it.”

  • [12:43]  Evaluating Walk with a Doc

    • “The coefficient is not near as high as I want and, but that is counterbalanced by the number of chapters growing and the interest and the spread. And I've been really surprised at the staying power of the docs.”

  • [14:08] Focusing on social connectedness

    • “We also stumbled into the social connectedness and the importance. I just wanted people to get more active. So we got these miracle drug, you know, got it in motion, everything we could get to the 150 minutes a week and then the social connection is what our focus is going to be for 2021.” 

  • [20:27] Adapting Walk with a Doc during COVID-19

    • “We have had virtual walks. Those are Saturday mornings, as well, and they allow us to feature our docs from all over the world. It's a great way to pull others in, make the family closer, even though it's on Zoom, or, you know, pre recorded.

  • [21:47] Decreased physical activity during COVID-19

    • “I'm surprised how many people haven't really thought of going outside alone for a walk or with their spouse or partner. And often, you know, a little nudge from our team can make a difference.”

  • [24:09] Growth of Walk with a Doc

    • “We, we’re guesstimating about 200,000 people last year, but that was up from 145,000 the year before. So we're really fortunate. We have currently 562 chapters, 451 in the US, and it needs to be so much more. And I think it will because the healthcare providers that have come to us they're so incredible. And their experience, thank goodness, has been, they feel as good about it as I do.”


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