Empowering Older Adults to Age Well - Ageless Workout [Podcast Series]
[:55] Dr. Bantham introduces her guest, Nate Wilkins
Nate Wilkins is Co-Founder of The Ageless Workout.
He is also President and Chief Transformation Officer at the Now Group Fitness Company.
[1:08] Being ageless
“The years may be accumulating, but we're not aging, we're aging well. And so it's these people who have decided at some point that the barriers are not for us, right? We may move a little bit slower, our minds may not be at the place that it was, but by God, we may be so much better. And we can help younger people matriculate or maneuver through the world. Our wisdom and knowledge and understanding about life might be beneficial to those who are coming behind us.”
[2:57] Positive affirmations and healthy aging
“We're talking about living to the fullest and being able to play with your grandchildren if you want to, to travel, to pick up bags, to be strong, right? Because at the root of everything that we believe is this foundation of strong muscles and strong bones. And when you have that foundation, the sky's the limit.”
[5:09] Connection to the health and fitness industry
“I looked around, people were exercising. I started walking. Walking led me into taking classes. Classes led me into teaching. Teaching led me into managing a fitness operation and later on led me into developing my own concept…”
[7:34] The ageless tribe and social connection
“If you look at people from the Blue Zones, one of the factors that helps them to live a longer life is this social connection. Something to do, something to love, something to belong to. And so this ageless tribe is a tribe of people who can look, like you and I, look each other in the eye and say, I know what you're going through. I know how you feel. Let me help you through the journey...”
[9:25] The ageless tribe characteristics
“So we are the ones who can set examples. And we're the ones who are learners and doers. And really sort of setting the pace, if you will, for those around us.”
[10:58] Personal care
“So we’ve come up with exercise prescription if you're talking about working one-on-one. Now that's different in our hybrid classes. We even try to turn our classes into personal training where we work on individuals and correct their posture, positioning, attitude, their whole mindset, encourage them to make one, put one foot in front of the other. So it's personal care thing that we've incorporated.”
[13:20] Connection to medical fitness
“So it's more like a full service operation as opposed to somebody taking a piece of this or a piece of that. Really most of us need what I think is an integrative approach to health, wellness and healing.”
[15:25] Knocking down silos
“ My doctor is going to talk about the importance of screening. I have a scientist involved. I have another doctor talking about the future of healthcare. So these are people, again, that I decided that I need to have a relationship with if I have some questions, if some of the clients that I have have some questions. So it's no longer acceptable for us to build silos, that we really need to be connected.”
[17:04] Building a referral network
“And I know that perhaps there may be some challenges around the technical work, but for the most part you get around knowledgeable people, you can grab enough, and then they'll bring you along more and more if you're open minded and willing to learn.”
[18:41] Advocacy for Black men’s health
“And so we want strong men, we want strong families, we want strong communities. This is about, in my estimation, this is about creating the new world that we want to live in. And so that's why I have a particular interest in helping men.”
[21:31] Empowering older adults to be self-advocates for their health
“So prevention is what I'm talking about. We get out in front of it. So I think that it's going to take a relearning and some more conversations like you and I are having. If we really want to reach 100, like I say, kicking and screaming, we have to change the way we think. So that's where this mindset stuff comes in, right? That goes back to having the right mindset, that yesterday's keys don't open today's locks. That perhaps we might need some new keys.”
[25:32] Fitness professionals as trusted sources of information
“Perhaps your coach or your trainer may be as important as your financial advisor.”
[27:48] The health and fitness facility of the future
“So it is almost like a home away from home. That's sort of what we're seeing as a new wave of, maybe you call it a fitness center, but maybe it's this life, life center that pumps life back into people.”