Physical Activity for Immunity Protection [COVID-19 and Physical Activity Series]

Physical Activity for Immunity Protection by Dr. Laddu and co-authors is a commentary on the role that physical activity plays in immune health and reducing the risk, duration, or severity of viral infection.  Previous studies have shown physical activity to dramatically reduce the risk for developing systemic inflammation, excess body mass and non-communicable diseases known to compromise immune function.  Dr. Laddu and co-authors note that the immune system is responsive to exercise, dependent on the intensity and duration of effort and type of exercise.  Specifically, moderate-intensity physical activity enhances immunosurveillance against infectious pathogens and protects against infectious disease symptoms.  Dr. Laddu and co-authors focus their attention on exercise and immune health in older adults, who are the most sensitive to developing infectious disease, including the most recent coronavirus outbreak.  They find that moderate-intensity physical activity may moderate the effects of aging on the immune system and reduce the risk of infection.  Dr. Laddu and co-authors conclude that daily physical activity is an important strategy for optimizing the immune system function to prevent or attenuate severity of infection, especially among vulnerable populations with immune-compromised conditions.  In the face of this novel coronavirus pandemic, public health advisory organizations are encouraging individuals to initiate or continue regular engagement in physical activity to maintain physical and mental health and wellbeing when not contraindicated and while abiding to public health and community safety. 

Laddu, D. R., Lavie, C. J., Phillips, S. A., & Arena, R. (2020). Physical activity for immunity protection: Inoculating populations with healthy living medicine in preparation for the next pandemic. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.


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